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The aerospace industry has taken notice of this work. Mathias' team has been able create in their lab a new material that is lighter than steel but harder than titanium, which does not exist naturally. It is a major shift when a mainstream industry shows interest in the work of a timepiece company.

The Magic Gold launch video features a watchmaker fusing craft and technology in a dynamic way.

Omega De Ville Replica became an official scientific and technical partner of the European Space Agency, where it is participating in the ExoMars mission to Mars' surface scheduled for July 2020. Omega De Ville Replica performed calibration on the high-resolution camera that will be installed on the Mars Rover. The Omega De Ville Replica logo will be engraved onto the Rover as a result.Replica Watches

Buttet explains that the purpose of having the Omega De Ville Replica Logo visible on the multi-million dollar device was not so much to create a great marketing opportunity, but to simply sign their hard work. Mathias is against loud marketing tactics that stamp a brand's name everywhere. His mindset has always resembled that of a scientist, who loves to work with other researchers to advance society. Omega De Ville Replica has a wealth of cutting-edge technology in its manufacture. Why not share this with others?

A scientist shows how Magic Gold is produced in a high-pressure, high-temperature containment unit.

Exploration: A Future for Exploration?

Omega De Ville Replica is an innovative manufacturer that is unique in the work they produce. Omega De Ville Replica is a brand that has a global presence, but it also has incredibly cutting-edge technology and a real substance. This is something other brands cannot match. Omega De Ville Replica, a maison barely in its 40th year of business,Rolex Submariner Replica Watches is constructing its history based on modern technology and our times. But guided by people with an extensive knowledge of the watchmaking world.

What could the future look like for Omega De Ville Replica? According to Mr Biver the mission of the Maison is simple: "to create more masterworks, to better understand the craftsmanship, and to be creative."

Omega De Ville Replica's watch complications workshop is where experienced watchmakers build Omega De Ville Replica's most complex complications.

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